New accounts
Please ensure you set your password according to the requirements set out below.
New authors
Please ensure you have carefully read the instructions page before submitting.
After your account is set up and you are assigned a submission for review, you will receive an email with advice and instructions.
Returning authors and reviewers
Following recent site upgrades, you may need to use the ‘forgot password’ function to re-set your password.
To Upload Revisions Following Peer Review
Once logged in, click the ‘Dashboard’ tab. Find your submission, and click ‘Edit.’ You will see an option to upload a new attachment. Please clearly label it as REVISED or VERSION 2. You will only be able to upload a revision when it says ‘Author Revisions in Progress’ under Status. This is to prevent new versions being uploaded while the peer review is still in process.
Questions or technical problems?
Contact editor@factsandfrictions.ca.
Password requirements:
Min. 7 characters
Max. 14 characters
At least one number
At least one uppercase
At least one lowercase
At least one special character
Password Rest
If you need to do a password reset, please refresh your window, type in your user name, and then attend to the email with the reset link as quickly as possible. If there is a delay, the reset will expire with an error message. As always, email us if you have difficulty, and we can do a manual reset if needed.
Please remember to anonymize your submission and inspect the document for any identifying information before uploading. Thank you! (see illustration below)