Challenging times demand tough inquiry and bold ideas | Les temps difficiles exigent des enquêtes rigoureuses et des idées audacieuses
Patricia W. Elliott
Editor-in-Chief/Rédactrice en chef
Volume 3 Number 2, Introduction
Tome 3 numéro 2, introduction
Missed opportunities for community engagement: An examination of the government-funded Local Journalism Initiative
Magda Konieczna and Béatrice Girardin
Volume 3 Number 2, Article
From public deficits to public defects: How journalists embraced technocratic explanations for the Post-Truth Era
Gordon Katic
Volume 3 Number 2, Article
News media’s framing of telehealth before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hanako Smith, Lori Fischer, Kimberley Fortin, and Frauke Zeller
Volume 3 Number 2, Work of Journalism, Article
Baladodiffusion et traumas médiatiques : Quels enjeux pour la mise en œuvre de pratiques inclusives en journalisme?
Amélie Daoust-Boisvert, Emmanuelle Khoury, et Pierre Pariseau-Legault
Tome 3 numéro 2, Note de recherche et balado en deux épisodes
Knowing their news: Library workers as informants to journalism studies research
Tyler W. S. Nagel
Volume 3 Number 2, Research Note
Manipulating the message: How powerful forces shape the news, by Cecil Rosner
Book Review by Tracy Sherlock
Volume 3 Number 2, Review